Friday, September 17, 2010

Seasons - #1

I can't believe Autumn is making an appearance already.  The air is getting dry, the weather is getting cool, the trees and bushes are starting to hint at their change to brilliant colors of nature.  When asked, I will always say that Fall is my favorite, but in fact - I enjoy the change of every season.  One part of living in the Northeast that is important to me, is the natural change of seasons.  By the time I am sick of one season, another is waiting around the corner.

The change of seasons is something I find interesting from a design aspect, as well.  Designing a building for all weather situations is an interesting design problem, and it's a real problem that cannot be ignored.  Designing a building to obtain as much sun (warmth) as possible in Winter, as well as reflecting the sun, or avoiding the sun when the weather is hot, seems like common sense.  However, it is not always possible to successfully design this way, and more times than not, architects do not design based on the sun.  This solution helps the environment by lowering heating costs in the Winter and air conditioning costs in the Summer, while making a more comfortable environment for the users.  But the amazing part is that some compelling buildings are based on this theory. 

This is a photo of the new Cambridge Public Library in Cambridge, Mass (courtesy of  I think this building is beautifully elegant in that it appears simple, while it mitigates the sun.  Also note the horizontal and vertical sun screens that have a pleasing aesthetic, while serving a purpose.

So I would say the first thing that I can't live without, is the challenge of changing seasons.

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