Term: Infinite Space
Through the series of iterations, I explored the idea of many spaces, different sizes, different overlapping areas and different canopies. I explored this through the natural series of spaces a tree creates, followed by a cloud cover, then the atmosphere.
The collage moves on from iteration one and becomes more abstract. This is the first iteration of an arbitrary abstract section through the collage.
This is the final iteration of both collage and section. Both images become abstract illustrations of the idea of infinite space.
Term: Boundary
The definition of boundary originates from the edge of owned land property. By using the many forms of land boundaries, including land to water, city to mountain range and the Jeffersonian land grid, I created a college of land boundaries.
The collage moves on from iteration one and becomes more abstract. This is the first iteration of an arbitrary abstract section through the collage.
This is the final iteration of both collage and section. Both images become abstract illustrations of the idea of boundary. Through this exploration it is clear that boundary can be physically stopping or simply material change to end one element, and begin another.
Here are some preliminary collages that informed my later decisions:
Here are some preliminary collages that informed my later decisions:
Infinite Space
Passage of Time
Passage of Time
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