Monday, November 8, 2010

Site in Relation to Boston

Here is a map to locate the site in relation to the closest major city, Boston.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Preliminary Site Analysis

Site Info

15 Medway Street, Boston, MA
Lower Mills, Dorchester
Size - 42,438 SF
Land Use - Commercial


Figure/Ground with property overlay
This shows a more intuitive FG with the delineation of the street layout and Neponset River

Site/Water analysis

My thesis is based on the climate of New England.  My first concern is the climate of the site.  Here I took a preliminary look at the sun exposure and wind element of the site.

Sun analysis.  Info from

Summer month prominent wind direction study.  Info from

Surrounding educational facilities

Because my program is evolving into an educational schema, this is look at the relationship to other educational facilities in the area of my site.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Aerial Site Photos

15 Medway Street

Site Photos

After visiting the 15 Medway site, I feel that it's a perfect place to explore my thesis ideas.
The one acre lot is adjacent to the Neponset River, in an old mill town called Lower Mills.
There is a square located near the site which offers a strong node.
The site is located in a transitional area.
To the west is a renovated chocolate factory, which is now an assisted living campus.
To the north and east are residential homes.

Lower Mills Square

Neposit River, Rear of site is beyond buildings

East site line

Street side of site

Renovated Chocolate Factory, West of site

Opposite side of street

Medway Street

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Choosing a Site

Based on the extreme climate of New England, successful historic climate mitigation traditions can be used as a precedent for redefining active systems in the 21st century.

An educational facility that allows for the learning process of the redefinition of active system.  The program will be based on the three major climate conditions of New England: bitter cold, hot and humid, comfortable.  Program activities will include the act of forming ones own comfort. 

Site Criteria:
Medium to low density, full climate exposure; sun and wind elements, mixed use area, flexible zoning allowance, high user exposure

Analysis Ideas:
Possible analysis would stem from sun and wind studies, site elevations, site sections, relationship to water elements. 

First Choice:

15 Medway Street, Boston, MA – Dorchester/Milton Line

Benefits                                                Limitations

High User Exposure                            Use of research ideals may be limited
Medium Density
Full Element Exposure
Multiple use possibility

Second Choice:

Camp Yomechas, Middleborough, MA

Benefits                                                Limitations

Low Density                                         Low user exposure
Freedom to use research ideals          Low people density
Incorporation to existing education      Limited successful building use possibilities
Full element exposure

So, I am leaning towards the suburban site, because I think the site forces may allow for a stronger design.  I would like to have some outside insight, though, to make my final decision.